Writing Jobs on Facebook:23 FB Groups for Freelance Writers

Writing jobs on Facebook

Are you a freelance writer and spend most of your free time on Facebook? Perhaps you prefer looking for writing jobs on Facebook? I spend my free time browsing, posting, and making new connections on this app. And some of my long-term clients are from Facebook!

The freelance writing life can be lonely, and there are times you want to be a part of an online writing community that understands you.

A place where you can discuss common topics, network, and create new friends. In today's post, I share some of the best Facebook groups for freelance writers. These are quality groups with no spammers and are super active.
Be sure to check my other post on the best Reddit communities for freelance writers.

Freelance writing jobs on Facebook

23 Facebook groups for freelance writers to find writing jobs.

#1→Binders Full of Byline and Content Marketing Writers

The binders full of byline and content marketing writers is a group for women and members of the non-binary community. It is one of the active and resourceful Facebook groups for freelance writers.

Members here share valuable insights about content marketing, writing jobs, and freelancing. If you have bylines that you are most proud of and want to share with other writers, then this is the Facebook group for you.
If you are looking for writing jobs on Facebook, then this is the no-spamming, no-shaming group to join. This group has 2.1k members at the time of writing this post.

#2→Binders Full of Rejects

Have you ever had your work rejected by a client or publication? Perhaps you sent out a pitch to a magazine and received a rejection instantly?

I've been there, and rejection is a part of freelance writing. Rejection can give you a sour taste and leaves you feeling so low. But it feels better if you can find and share your experience with other people going through similar scenarios as you.

Binders Full of Rejects is a Facebook group for writers to share about writing and getting rejections from publications and editors.
Here is a short blurb of the group by the admin-Tracey Lyn Loyd.
"A place for women/non-binary/trans folks to celebrate our rejections and keep each other accountable for our rejection quotas.
Once per month, we'll post a "did you meet your quota" thread, where you can say how many rejections you strove for and how many you acquired.
Remember - if you aren't being rejected, you aren't pushing past your comfort zone! Rejections are just a sign that you are testing your limits."

The group has 3.3k members at the time of writing this post.

#3→Binder Full of Editors Seeking Their Freelance Writers and Vice Versa

Are you trying to find a home for your writing projects? This specific binder will help you meet editors of various niches. You can find a point of contact for multiple publications and also discover writing jobs.

#4→Blog Support Group

Blog Support Group is your group if you run a blog and you want to connect with other bloggers-both beginners and gurus.

This Facebook Group has daily threads to help you grow your blog traffic. You can use also boost your social media pages through the daily threads in the group.

Additionally, you can connect with other bloggers and grow your network as a freelance writer.

#5→Cult of Copy Job Board

Do you want to join a copywriters' cult? Cult of Copy Job Board is a Facebook Group that works as a job board for freelance copywriters.

If you are a freelance copywriter, then this is the place to be. You can post your copywriting services or job posts if you are looking to hire a freelance copywriter.

#6→Copy Kooks Club

Copy Kooks Club is another Facebook Group for copywriters and freelance writers in general. Run by Tamsin of copykooks.com, this is the group you can get valuable information about copywriting.

#7→Paid Writing Opportunities

If you are looking for paid freelance writing opportunities in any genre, then Paid Writing opportunities Facebook Group is the best.

Freedom With Writing job board runs this page so you can be sure of finding quality leads. I once landed a client through the FWW job board.

#8→Brainz Magazine Guest Writers

Brainz Magazine Guest Writers is another Facebook group you can find guest writing opportunities. You can start guest writing for Brainz Magazine, a digital magazine covering business, leadership, innovation, lifestyle, and mindset topics.
Guest post writing is one of the best ways to take your freelance writing business a step higher.

#9→No Fluff Freelance Writing Group

The No Fluff Freelance Writing Group is a group by Alina of alinabradford.com. Alina Bradford is a successful freelance writer you would want to learn from, and her group is the right place. She posts weekly freelance writing jobs, and also, potential clients are looking for freelance writers in the group.
"Writing Jobs+Writing tips+Support. No BS, no fluff"-Alina Bradford.

#10→Women Helping Women Entrepreneurs

When it comes to women supporting women, then the WHWE Facebook group takes the trophy. It is the most authentic, supportive, and resourceful group for women entrepreneurs.

This group has women who run different businesses, including digital marketing. Clients here look for freelance writers every day.

Spoiler alert; this group has close to half a million members, and it is super active.
Once you join the group, filter your feed by searching for freelance writing job posts using the group's search bar.

#11→The Gary Halbert Copy Club

The Gary Halbert Copy Club is another FB group for copywriters. Members of this group share resourceful copywriting tips, and often you will find freelance copywriting jobs.

#12→Copywriting Hacks

Do you wonder how copywriters ace their job? If you need some copywriter secrets, then Copywriting Hacks is the best Facebook group for you. Adam Parrott's group will help you learn the copywriting tricks, hacks, and secrets. This group also has copywriting jobs in any industry.

#13→Binder Full of Pay-Transparent Gigs

As freelance writers, we all love job posts with precise descriptions and pay! This way, we will know upfront before applying for the gig. This specific binder shares a transparent writing jobs-which means it has the full job description and the job's pay.
Group description; "A place for writers to find writing gigs with clear pay requirements. Everyone is welcome except cis males"-Kersten Marie.

#14→Freelance Copywriter Collective

Freelance Copywriter Collective is also another exclusive group for freelance copywriters. You can join this group whether you are starting or thriving in your freelance copywriting business. It will help you learn and propel your business further as a freelance copywriter.

Group's description;
"The Freelance Copywriter Collective is an exclusive community for freelance copywriters, big and small, who wish to share their experience and wisdom, and help fuel each other's growth.
We discuss everything, including pricing, getting clients, productivity tips, and of course, copywriting.
See you inside!"-Valerio

#15→Freelance Copywriter Collective Job Board

Freelance Copywriter Collective is also another Facebook Group exclusive for freelance copywriters. This group is a job board where you can find copywriting gigs and other freelance writing jobs.

#16→Binders Full of Misfit Writers

Binders full of misfit writers is also another awesome Facebook group for freelance writers and editors. You should note that this is an exclusive group for female and non-binary writers.

#17→Binders Full of Investment and Finance Writers

Do you cover investment, finance, real estate, cryptocurrency, blockchain, or other related finance topics? Binders full of investment and finance writers is a Facebook group you don't want to miss.

I've had quality leads from this group that helped me get bylines in some of the biggest personal sites. Again, you should note that this is a group of female and female-identifying people.

You will find freelance investment and finance writing jobs. So, if this is your cup of forte, you should join the group.

#18→Blogger Education Network

Do you blog on the side? Perhaps you are starting a blog and need to figure out so many things? Blogger education network is the Facebook group you need to join. It is an excellent group for both newbies and experienced bloggers.

Join and network with fellow bloggers. You never know; someone might need a freelance blogger.

#19→Binder Full of Writing Jobs

If you are looking for freelance writing jobs on Facebook, then Binders full of writing jobs is the best group for you. Members here share writing job opportunities.

Like any other binder, this is a private Facebook group that accepts only women and non-binary freelance writers and editors. Besides online writing jobs, you will also learn how to create your CV, cover letter, and letter of introduction that you can use for your freelance writing business.

#20→Women in Content Marketing

Women in content marketing is a Facebook Group for freelance content marketing women. You can find content partnerships, writing jobs, and speaking opportunities in this group.

#21→Freelance Writers Philippines

Freelance writers Philippines is a Facebook group for freelancers in the Philippines but accepts freelancers from other parts of the world. I found a one-time client from this group. It is an active group, and you can find quality job leads.

#22→Mom to Mompreneur

Mom to Mompreneur is a Facebook group by Elna Cain of Twins Mommy blog. This group focuses on starting and growing a blog in any niche. It is also full of successful bloggers, and you can find blogging and virtual assistant jobs.

#23→Freelancers' Den

Freelancers' Den is a Facebook group I run for this blog, and the list wouldn't be complete without it. We focus on helping each other as freelance writers and bloggers. You are welcome, whether you are a beginner or a thriving freelance writer.

Get freelance writing jobs on Facebook!

Facebook is a great place to find freelance writing jobs that pay well if only you know how to use the platform. Hopefully, the above Facebook groups for writers will help you land excellent gigs and meet awesome clients, writers, and editors.

Charity is a freelance personal finance writer and blogger for hire. She specializes in personal finance, digital content writing and marketing, blog post writing, and intriguing history articles. She's written for major brands and blogs like The Penny Hoarder, Autonomous, Self-Publishing School, Penny Calling Penny, Inkwell Editorial, Freelancer FAQs, and more.


  1. aggrey amimo
    September 27, 2021

    Hello, thanks for this piece of content. Just one question which Facebook groups are ideal for a Kenyan starting out.

  2. Charity Jerop
    September 28, 2021

    Hi Aggrey,
    All the groups above are ideal for Kenyan freelance writers. And the majority of them are newbie-friendly too! Make the most out of these FB groups, and you could land a lucrative freelance writing gig.

  3. Freelancing Training
    February 11, 2022

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