2020 Freelance Writing and Blogging Goals

Happy new year 2020! Do you have 2020 freelance writing and blogging goals?
Are you a freelance writer or aspiring to be a freelance writer in 2020?

I’ll be turning one year into freelance writing later this year, and I want to set realistic and achievable freelance writing and blogging goals.

My freelance writing goal last year was to earn a decent income writing at home.
It was a year of intense learning and growth.

I spent hours reading blogs, watching Youtube, and branding my freelance writing business.

Hours went into setting up my blog, which I did alone without hiring a web designer. It was an exciting experience and a learning journey.

I made tons of mistakes and, at some point, wanted to give up, but I kept pushing, and it was worth it.
For the first time, I’m setting freelance writing and blogging goals.
I want to look back and see if I crushed my goals and the things that worked for my business.

I know setting goals is one thing, and achieving them is another thing.

Setting goals gives you motivation and a sense of direction in your business.Click To Tweet

Why set freelance writing and blogging goals?

Everyone has a goal and a purpose in life. Setting my freelance writing and blogging goals will help me;

Stay focused.

Setting my freelance writing and blogging goals will help me stay focused and have everything in order. I want to have a clear direction on what to do and at what time.

Get motivation.

Setting writing business goals will inspire me to work towards them. I will have a constant reminder to achieve the set goals before the year ends.
I will be updating this blog post to add the achieved goals. As a freelance writer, I hope to crush these smart goals.

2020 Freelance writing and blogging goals.

Below are my 2020 goals for my freelance writing and blogging business.

Goal #1- Publish two blog posts per week.

My blog needs more fresh content, and since I also write for a living, my goal is also to publish new and excellent content on my blog.
I want to help as many freelance writers as possible scale up their freelance writing business.
I published at least one blog per month last year, and I want to put in more effort this year.
My blog is less than a year, and I know I’m on the right track.
I will be updating this section every month to see how far I am with publishing blog posts on the blog.

Another thing I plan to do is create more freebies for you. If you have free excellent content, then stay tuned because I’m going to spoil you this year.

I want you to get better at your freelance writing career and live the lifestyle you wish to write online.

Goal #2. Hit 10,000 page views a month.

Like I said, my blog is less than a year, and I’m trying as much as I can to grow it. I not only want to make money from my blog but also help as many freelance writers as possible.

I love sharing what works for me as a freelance writer in the hope that you get to learn from me and implement whatever you learn.
In the long run, we both win.

My blog at the moment gets less than 2000 page views a month, which is good but still very low.

My organic site visits are pretty low, too, and I want to get more organic visitors. I will be investing in SEO.

Additionally, I’ll be investing in marketing and advertising. I will also be working on my Pinterest traffic.

I want to get good traffic from Pinterest. My Pinterest monthly viewers dropped from 10k per month to 2k per month.

I hope to scale these figures up and hit 50k monthly viewers by the end of 2020.

Goal #3. Hit $5k per month writing.

This goal is crazy, but I know I will crush it. I want to earn $5k from writing for my clients. Last year, I wanted to make $1k per month, and in December, I hit $1k in one week, so I know with the help of God, $5k per month is achievable.

To be able to achieve this goal, I need to get high paying clients so that I can write less for more money.

I already have fantastic clients but want to add more writing gigs to my calendar.

You can join me in hunting for excellent writing clients using this step by step guide on how to get freelance writing jobs as a writer.

Goal #4. Feature in authoritative publications.

Guest blogging on other websites is one of the best ways that helped me get freelance writing jobs.

When I started as a freelance writer and blogger, I wanted to put myself out there online. And the best way was guest posting.

I started on a low DA site, and over time, I featured on seven websites.

One of these sites has a DA of 79. I want to have more authoritative publications under my belt. This year I will be working on my pitching game, and I have my eyes set on three significant publications on the web.

I don’t want just to get published in high DA sites, I aim to become a thought leader and help as many people as possible through these publications.

I have topics I want to cover and discuss in the year. This is a year-goal, so that I will be reviewing it at the end of 2020.

Goal #5. Create a premium freelance writing course.

I earn passive income through blog monetization. And one of the best ways to earn income through my blog is to create and sell courses.

I will use my freelance writing and blogging skills to create excellent premium courses that will help you kick-start and scale up your freelance writing business.

My ultimate goal is to provide one on one coaching to other freelance writers who want to get excellent clients outside content mills like up-work.

This goal also is a year-goal, and I plan on creating and launching the course before the year ends.

I can’t wait to share my expertise in freelance writing.

Goal #6. Hire a web designer.

I need a web designer to re-design my blog. I’ve never worked with one even though my site looks pretty good.

I hope to do this before my blog turns one year. So pitch me if you are a rockstar web designer.

Additionally, I’ll be changing my site’s theme, so expect some cool changes to improve your experience on this site.

I want you to get the best content about freelance writing from my blog.

Goal #7. Post more often on LinkedIn.

They say LinkedIn is a goldmine for freelance writers. I haven’t used LinkedIn as much as I should, and this is my 2020 goal, to become an authority on LinkedIn.

Let’s connect if you are on LinkedIn.

Goal #8. Grow my social media pages.

I get most of my freelance writing jobs from social media, especially Facebook.

This year, I want to grow my facebook page to 5000-page likes. I’m super close to 300 likes at the time of writing this post.

To achieve this, I will be providing more valuable content in facebook groups and on my profile.

Let’s see how it rolls out.

Goal #9. Read more books.

I love reading books. However, I’ve not read any book in a while.

This year, I want to read books on entrepreneurship and digital marketing.

Please spam me with your reading list on the above topics.

Want to keep up with my goals? Please pin me.

My 2020 freelance writing and blogging goals in a wrap.

This is the first time I’m setting goals for my business, and I hope to crush them like a rockstar.

What plans do you have for your freelance writing or blogging business?

Share them with me in the comments.

Ready to kick-start your freelance writing career? I have a free five-day email course to help you.

Charity is a freelance personal finance writer and blogger for hire. She specializes in personal finance, digital content writing and marketing, blog post writing, and intriguing history articles. She's written for major brands and blogs like The Penny Hoarder, Autonomous, Self-Publishing School, Penny Calling Penny, Inkwell Editorial, Freelancer FAQs, and more.


  1. Dominic
    January 5, 2020

    You really encourage me a lot. I am aspiring to start my freelancing business. I often hang around your blog for knowledge and inspiration. I have started with baby steps. I am optimistic that i will make it. My our sovereign Lord bless you for your generous sharing.

  2. Charity Jerop
    January 8, 2020

    Hi Dominic,
    You are in the right direction with those baby steps. Remember all freelance writers, including me, started from somewhere. I know you can do it. Keep learning. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving your comment.

  3. Mary Waitherero
    February 15, 2020

    You’re an inspiration Charity and learning you personally created and designed this blog without a web designer is just encouraging. Indeed no human is limited. Your articles are top-notch. Keep up the good work!

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